Invitation for Impact

Invitation for Impact

Hello, fellow traveler,

Three years ago, I returned to Shanghai and started Dominos Philanthropy Academy, after eight years of study and work in the States. I had a clear vision to grow a new generation of lifelong givers and learners in China, starting with youth, but paths toward the vision were vague.

Through trial and error, I’m happy to report that we’ve developed a model to integrate philanthropy framework and research-based educational methods.

Partnering with public schools, private schools, and NGOs, we have delivered the country’s first philanthropy course for middle school students, led the country’s first workshops to help young people discover their philanthropic sparks, and have recently wrapped up the country’s first youth grantmaking program.

All being the country’s first? Seriously? Yes.

Almost anything we do in the realm of philanthropy education makes the country’s first. The rare opportunity to potentially define and shape philanthropy education in this vast country comes at a critical time in China, where philanthropy is developing fast but still at a nascent stage. I feel blessed each day to be able to do what we are doing.

However, the deeper I get into this work, the more concerned I become.

China’s first NGOs didn’t come into existence until 1995. It’s not until the late 2000s that nonprofit organizations started to flourish (arguably). Several generations have grown up with little giving or volunteering experience. They are now mainstream leaders and educators in our society.

Today’s youth is the first generation in China who has grown up with the idea of volunteering, community service, and social impact. However, they can hardly get support from parents, teachers, or the community—their vision on what youth can do and what philanthropy can do is often limited.

Although our work has focused on youth, I’ve seen similar obstacles and limits imposed on adults who are starting to think about life’s purpose and impact.

Promoting philanthropy in a society lacking systematic support sounds daunting. It requires innovative solutions.

My life has been touched by many people along the way, as mentors, coaches, and role models, who have significantly expanded my view on giving. Through my personal experiences, I’ve become a firm believer in personal connections and networked impact.

So when it comes to inspirations and innovative solutions, we decide to look beyond borders.

What if we create a platform where people can connect and co-create? Might changes follow? That’s our hope behind the project.Now I’m sending out this open invitation to anyone who wants to make an impact to ignite the future generation of givers and learners in China! Let’s grab the opportunity and make it happen! 

Thank you in advance for your interest! And I’d love to hear from you via email at d* or the contact form below.

Looking forward to seeing you along the journey!

With gratitude


About Dominos

Dominos Philanthropy Academy is a social enterprise dedicated to growing a new generation of lifelong givers and learners in China, integrating philanthropy framework and research-based educational methods.


Grow lifelong learners and givers


Giving becomes part of everyone’s life and personal growth